Good Morning

Good Morning | thot in hindi and english, today good thought in hindi, motivational thought in hindi

Good Morning | thot in hindi and english, today good thought in hindi, motivational thought in hindi

Good Morning | thot in hindi and english, today good thought in hindi, motivational thought in hindi - Sadness Is Most Of Human Is A True Friend As Long As It Stays Together Teaches A Lot Of LessonsGood Morning | thot in hindi and english, today good thought in hindi, motivational thought in hindi - Sadness Is Most Of Human Is A True Friend As Long As It Stays Together Teaches A Lot Of Lessons

दुख: ही इंसान का सबसे
सच्चा मित्र है…
जब तक साथ रहता है
बहुत सबक सिखाता है..
और जब छोड़कर जाता है
तो सुख देकर जाता है.!!
? सुप्रभात ?

Sadness is most of human
Is a true friend
As long as it stays together
Teaches a lot of lessons ..
And when it does leave
So it goes by giving happiness. !!
? Good Morning ?

Good Morning | thot in hindi and english, Relation thought in hindi

यदि आप दर्द, संघर्ष और समझौता स्वीकार नहीं करना चाहते हैं;
अपने लक्ष्य तक पहुँचने के लिए अपनी उम्मीदों को छोड़ दें…।

If you do not want to accept the pain, conflict and compromise;
Give up your expectations to reach your goal.

Good Morning | thot in hindi and english, today good thought in hindi, motivational thought in hindi

शब्दों का भी तापमान होता है।
महोदय, यह राहत और जलन भी प्रदान करता है…
? सुप्रभात ?

Words also have a temperature.
Sir, it also provides relief and irritation…
? Good Morning ?

कैसे खिलेंगे रिश्तों के फूल,
अगर ढूंढते रहेंगे एक-दूसरे की भूल…

How will the flowers of relationships blossom,
If you keep searching for each other’s mistakes…

Good Morning | thot in hindi and english, Motivational thought in hindi

सफलता एक ऐसी सीडी है,
इसे जेब में हाथ डालकर चढ़ा नहीं जा सकता है।
? सुप्रभात ?

Success is such a ladder,
It cannot be climbed by putting a hand in a pocket.

अगर विश्वास है, तो चुप्पी समझी जाएगी,
* विश्वास न होने पर शब्दों में गलतफहमी होगी!
?? सुप्रभात ??

If there is believe, then silence will be considered,
* There will be a misunderstanding of words if you do not believe!
?? Good Morning ??

Good Morning | thot in hindi and english, Relation thought in hindi

मैं अंत में गुमनाम हो गया;
जो लोग एक दूसरे के बारे में सब कुछ जानते थे…!
I finally went anonymous;
For those People who knew everything about each other …!

अगर दोनों तरफ से बचाया जाए तो ही रिश्ते में मिठास होती है
सर, एक तरफ से तो रोटी भी जल जाती है।
? सुप्रभात ?
There is sweetness in the relationship only if both sides are trying to save relationship,
Sir, bread is also burnt on one side.

? Good Morning ?

Jeel Patel

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