
Amrita Puri net worth, husband, age, height, biography, birthday, images(photos), wiki, facebook, instagram, twitter, imdb

Birthday date of Amrita Puri is 20th August 1983 at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. She is a very famous Indian Actress. Amrita Puri age is 35 years. Her height is 1.7 m. Her Net Worth is Rs. 70 Crore Indian Rupees (INR). She took education at Bombay Scottish School, Mahim. She got many awards like Best Breakthrough Performance Award, Best Debutant, Best Actress in a Supporting Role and many more. Her spouse(parttner) is Imrun Sethi (m. 2017). She is living at Mumbai, India.

See more Info like Amrita Puri net worth, husband, age, height, biography, birthday, images(photos), wiki, facebook, instagram, twitter, imdb.

More About Amrita Puri

Birthday Details :

She born at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Her birthday date is 20th August 1983. Amrita Puri age is 35 years at a post published(2019).

Amrita Puri Personal Details :

She completed Her education at Bombay Scottish School, Mahim. Her height is 1.7 m. Her profession is Actress. Her net worth is Rs. 70 Crore Indian Rupees (INR) at post time(2019). Her spouse is Imrun Sethi (m. 2017). She got an awards like Best Breakthrough Performance Award, Best Debutant, Best Actress in a Supporting Role and many more. Her residence is at Mumbai, India.

<img src=”https://invisiblebaba.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Amrita-Puri-net-worth-husband-age-height-biography-birthday-imagesphotos-wiki-facebook-instagram-twitter.jpg” alt=”Amrita Puri Net Worth, Husband, Age, Height, Biography, Birthday, Images(photos), Wiki, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-10596″ />


Amrita Puri

Birthday 20th August 1983
AGE 35 years
Height 1.7 m
Birthplace Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Profession Actress
Amrita Puri Net Worth Rs. 70 Crore Indian Rupees (INR)
Spouse Imrun Sethi (m. 2017)
Education Bombay Scottish School, Mahim
Awards Best Breakthrough Performance Award, Best Debutant, Best Actress in a Supporting Role and many more
Nationality Indian
Residence Mumbai, India
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amrita_Puri
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/puri.amrita/
Twitter https://twitter.com/_amrita_puri
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/amupuri/
IMDB https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3629670/
Jeel Patel

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