Juhi Chawla photos, daughter, husband, age, family, kids, date of birth, biography, height, miss India, marriage, son, awards, education, net worth, details, instagram, wiki, facebook, twitter, imdb

Birthday date of Juhi Chawla is 13 November 1967 at Ambala, Haryana, India. She is a very famous Indian Actress. Juhi Chawla age is 51 years. Her height is 1.6 m.
After that, we will talk about Her other details. 2.43 million dollars is a Net Worth earned by her. She took an education at Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics. She got many awards like Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Lux New Face, Most Sensational Actress and many more.
Her husband(spouse) is Jay Mehta (m. 1995). She is living at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

In addition, See more Info like Juhi Chawla photos, daughter, husband, age, family, kids, date of birth, biography, height, miss India, marriage, son, awards, education, net worth, details, instagram, wiki, facebook, twitter, imdb.

More About her

Juhi Chawla Age, Birthday Details :

She born at Ambala, Haryana, India. Her birthday date is 13 November 1967. Her age is 51 years at a post published(2019).

Juhi Chawla Biography :

She completed Her education at Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics. Her height is 1.6 m. Her profession is Actress. Her net worth is 2.43 million dollars at post time(2019). Her spouse is Jay Mehta (m. 1995). She got an awards like Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Lux New Face, Most Sensational Actress and many more. Her residence is at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Juhi Chawla Net Worth :

Her net worth is 2.43 million dollars at post time(2019). Please note that This is approx idea about income of Her. It can be change every month/year.

Juhi Chawla husband :

Her husband name is Jay Mehta (m. 1995).

Juhi Chawla height :

Her height is 1.6 m.
Above all information that we provided was based on many other sources available on internet. All informations are based on other sources. In other words, All info is only for entertinement purpose.
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juhi chawla

Birthday 13 November 1967
AGE 51 years
Height 1.6 m
Birthplace Ambala, Haryana, India
Profession Actress
Net Worth 2.43 million dollars
Spouse Jay Mehta (m. 1995)
Education Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics
Awards Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Lux New Face, Most Sensational Actress and many more
Nationality Indian
Residence Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juhi_Chawla
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/IamJuhiChawla/
Twitter twitter.com/iam_juhi
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/iamjuhichawla/
IMDB https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004487/
Jeel Patel

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