
Alya Manasa | Alya Manasa birthday, instagram, age, husband, wiki, images, facebook, bf, biography

Alya Manasa is a Indian TV Actress.Birthday of Alya Manasa is 3rd June 1992 at Sowcarpet, Chennai. See more Info like Alya Manasa birthday, instagram, age, husband, wiki, images, facebook, biography.


Alya Manasa

Birthday 3rd June 1992
AGE 27 years
Birthplace Sowcarpet, Chennai
Profession TV Actress
Spouse Relationship with Sanjeev
Nationality Indian
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/iamalyamanasa/
Twitter https://twitter.com/alyamanasa
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alya_manasa/?hl=en
IMDB https://www.imdb.com/name/nm10622969/



Jeel Patel

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