Eliza Dushku husband, age, net worth, height, education, picture(images), wedding, baby, family, details, biography, birthday, awards, instagram, wiki, twitter, imdb, youtube, facebook, website
Birthday date of Eliza Dushku is 30th December 1980 at Watertown, Massachusetts, United States.
She is a very famous American and Albanian Actress, activist, model, producer. Eliza Dushku age is 38 years. Her height is 1.65 m (5′ Ft. 7″ Inch).
After that, we will talk about Her other details. $10 million is a Net Worth earned by her.
She took an education at George Washington University, Watertown High School, Beaver Country Day School. She got many awards like Choice Breakout Star – Female, Best Actress, Hot 100 Women of 2009″, Best Science Fiction Actress, Consumer Electronics Show and many more.
Her husband(spouse) is Peter Palandjian (m. 2018).
She is living at Los Angeles, California, U.S..
In addition, See more Info like Eliza Dushku husband, age, net worth, height, education, picture(images), wedding, baby, family, details, biography, birthday, awards, instagram, wiki, twitter, imdb, youtube, facebook, website.
She born at Watertown, Massachusetts, United States.
Her birthday date is 30th December 1980. Her age is 38 years at a post published(2019).
She completed Her education at George Washington University, Watertown High School, Beaver Country Day School.
Her height is 1.65 m (5′ Ft. 7″ Inch). Her profession is Actress, activist, model, producer. Her net worth is $10 million at post time(2019). Her spouse is Peter Palandjian (m. 2018).
She got an awards like Choice Breakout Star – Female, Best Actress, Hot 100 Women of 2009″, Best Science Fiction Actress, Consumer Electronics Show and many more.
Her residence is at Los Angeles, California, U.S..
Her net worth is $10 million at post time(2019). Please note that This is approx idea about income of Her. It can be change every month/year.
Her husband name is Peter Palandjian (m. 2018).
Her height is 1.65 m (5′ Ft. 7″ Inch).
Above all information that we provided was based on many other sources available on internet.
All informations are based on other sources. In other words, All info is only for entertainment purpose.
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Name | eliza dushku |
Birthday | 30th December 1980 |
AGE | 38 years |
Height | 1.65 m (5′ Ft. 7″ Inch) |
Birthplace | Watertown, Massachusetts, United States |
Profession | Actress, activist, model, producer |
Net Worth | $10 million |
Spouse | Peter Palandjian (m. 2018) |
Education | George Washington University, Watertown High School, Beaver Country Day School |
Awards | Choice Breakout Star – Female, Best Actress, Hot 100 Women of 2009″, Best Science Fiction Actress, Consumer Electronics Show and many more |
Nationality | American and Albanian |
Residence | Los Angeles, California, U.S. |
Website | Eliza Dushku |
Wikipedia | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliza_Dushku |
https://www.facebook.com/OfficialElizaDushku | |
https://twitter.com/elizadushku | |
https://www.instagram.com/elizadushku/ | |
IMDB | https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0244630/ |
Youtube | Not available |
She is 38 years year old. Her birthday is 30th December 1980.
Her net worth is $10 million.
She is Actress, activist, model, producer. She won many awards like Choice Breakout Star – Female, Best Actress, Hot 100 Women of 2009″, Best Science Fiction Actress, Consumer Electronics Show and many more.
Her husband is Peter Palandjian (m. 2018).
She is not single. Her husband is Peter Palandjian (m. 2018).
Eliza Dushku is from Watertown, Massachusetts, United States. She is living at Los Angeles, California, U.S..
Her residence is Los Angeles, California, U.S.. Her birthplace is Watertown, Massachusetts, United States.
Dushku began dating former Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers basketball player Rick Fox in October 2009, and in August 2010 the couple confirmed that they were living together.
It was announced on June 24, 2014, that the pair had split.In June 2017, she became engaged to businessman and CEO Peter Palandjian, and they wed on August 18, 2018.
In 2019, Dushku gave birth to the couple’s first child together, a son.
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